Review of Reflection of Sandra

I had the fortunate experience to meet Michelle Heynen at her book launch, being a fellow author at Inhouse Publishing, I wanted to show my support. What amazed me was the beautiful story that was created by Michelle.

A little story from the book launch, Michelle read out a letter from her book, a thank you letter to her mother. This is why I love this book, the connection that I had with this piece. The emotion poured off me and tear unbashful fell from my eyes. It made me think of nearly losing my mother seven years ago, I could never imagine how I would react if she were gone. Michelle allowed me to experience something that resonated with those feelings. It is not about sadness but remembering the gift which was given by someone who is the closest to you.

The courage of Michelle celebrating her mother’s life and the grief that comes from losing someone. An emotional roller coaster ride, as in real life there are ups and downs but striving through this is what makes this book amazing.

Another gift that Michelle gave the reader is the beautiful poems at the start of each chapter, reflecting the journey of her family during this trialling event.

Reflections of Sandra is a well thought out and emotional connective book; it can help a person who is going through a troubling time, showing the path to acceptance. Alternatively, it can be for someone who is looking for a great story of an incredible person.

Thank you, Michelle, for allowing us to join your journey.
To buy her book either head to her website, Inhouse Publishing Bookstore or Amazon.

Review of Chapter One of Caligation

This is strange to write a review on something like a prologue and first chapter, but it is happening! Brhi Stokes has her book, Caligation coming out in June and for a great bit of marketing she released the first two chapters of her book (well, the prologue and first chapter). I am so blown away by this work of hers, the imagination and vividness of the world Brhi paints with these eight thousand words is amazing.

The set up of this book is quite clear, lonely road and something big happens. This is usually not the formula for a hero’s tale, which again makes it unique. It is set in a supernatural world, and not much needs to be understood about this as the setting is clear and crisp.

In these brief insight into the book, money is dealt with, atmosphere and how is different from this world. I can go on and on about these two chapters, but I just want to read this whole book!

If you like to become wanting for time to speed up and June to come, then this book will ignite that desire.

Head to her website,, her Facebook page, click here or her Twitter account @BrhiSAuthor

Review of Battle of Skeptron.

So my second review of the books I collected from Supanova. Mr Gennari impressed me with his creative vision, combining martial arts with a sci-fi fantasy world; remarkable.

Battle of Skeptron is the first of a future series by R. D, Gennari. It is set in the world Númaria. This is a sci-fi/fantasy book. I do not read many sci-fi books, as I find them bogged down with technical terms and distracts from the story. While reading this even though it is technically sci-fi, it felt more like High Fantasy, in the scope and mysticism of the land and its people. There are certain things I have to tip my hat to Mr Gennari, and a few things that I could suggest to help improve the readability of the book.

Let us start with what drew me to the story and the book. First thing is the world, in essence, the world building. Wow! Building the world with rich history and lore is a marvellous thing, of the style of the spoken language to the martial art; Lúkari to the different races and their histories. I could go on and on about the richness of this book’s landscape. Being a person who has created the world like this for his own series I can tell the effort Mr Gennari has been put into it. Even that there is technology, it feels more like a part of the world and not unique, which again well done. Another thing I love about this book is the map! I can not tell you how much I love maps. Maps show you the world, and you can track the progress of the heroes. Wonderful! The characters Areus, Santia, Ryaklesian, Belvara, etc. are well thought out characters, each with their own lore and personality.

But the world itself does smother the contents of these individuals. Which bring to my issues with the book. The book itself is well written, but it had something that I have to call ‘Tolkenistis’. What is Tolkenistis? Well, is over description; a lush and vibrant world that overtakes the story. The new terms, races, language, etc. can slow or smother the progress of the story and due to this slows down the story to the point of sluggishness. The more complex of the world, the more explaining that you will have to do for the standard terms/casual conversations. This can be solved with a simple glossary. Once you are past the world building, the story flows, and with a bang, it is a ride of pure enjoyment!

In the end, I found the Battle for Skeptron an interesting read, and I will be looking forward to more about this world, story and characters. For lovers of multi-layered, complicated written books, this is for you!

Review of From Dusk by M. G. Ryan


From Dusk: the Vampire Hunter Prophecy is the first of four novels that I picked up at Supanova and this week is dedicated to reading and reviewing them. To understand how I feel about this story there will be some spoilers, not how I like to do reviews but there is no other way for me to talk about this book honestly.

So spoilers ahead, but I will keep them small.

I meet M. G. Ryan at Gold Coast Supanova; she was a few booths down from me. I was intrigued by her cover and title, so I brought a copy. An overall feel of the book, I enjoyed the novel itself, but the last third was I say my most favourite part. It follows a hero’s journey but had elements of romance and discovery of oneself.


Lexi is the main protagonist; her character was a great way of showing a strong female without trying to make her overly masculine. Her femininity was I think one of Lexi’s compelling points, which caused me to become engaged with her story, accepting her path with a measured approach. I read one review that is was like Twilight, as I have read that series, I can tell you it is far from that type of story. Some elements are similar, wolves and vampires but it concentrates on a prophecy about a vampire hunter. The Lore of the Vampires was more like Anne Rice than Stephenie Meyer. There are some issues of flow at the beginning of the book, but once you move past that, the story was difficult to put down.

Jack is Lexi’s main supporting character. I do like him, he feels like a real person like Lexi. Something happened to him in his past, and he needed to understand this. The relationship between Lexi and Jack, I found believable. Being that close to an oblivious attraction with each other show how to do organic romance in literary form.

My favourite character is Corey, can’t go into why as I think this would ruin the book for readers but when he came into the story, the dynamic of Lexi, Jack and Corey made me lose track of my reading and before I knew the book was over. I want to read the next one now!

I would highly recommend From Dusk. Aside from the pace at the start, the book flowed and showed what knowing the path and walking it means.

Why I love Writer Meetings.

One of my favourite things to do is either run a meeting or just go to one. With my monthly meetings up and running, and being a part of Gold Coast Writers’ Association, makes me want to reflect on my experiences.

Why do I go to these things? Or even run these writing groups? This can be a simple thing to answer, although I do have some selfish reasons as well. The simple answer is because I love being around over clever artistic people. Just being in the room of authors can be astounding!


On the 18th of February, such a beautiful day. Ocean Reeve did his 10x step marketing program (which you can download for free at his site, just click on his name) and the buzz in the room, wow! During this day I meet eight new authors, and they were fan-bloody-tastic! Just a shout out to Elena P Ornig, Emma Zeta Skinner, Julian St Aubyn Green Jan Muir, Gold Coast Writers’ Association, and Kathrine Doyle. Just have to show my love for my fellow authors!

Each time I go to an adventure like the above pictures, you can see my beaming face as I am brimming with wonder and excitement being around this hive mind of creativity. I wouldn’t be publishing a book if it wasn’t for writing groups. Not much else I can say if you are looking to become an author, check your local area to see if there is any group. Your writing will develop, a thousand-fold as you have that support and creative spirit of other to move you forward.

My Year as a Writer.

The year is nearly over, and reflecting on the achievements that I accomplished this year. The trials and triumphs, the ups and downs. Looking back I would never realise that this would happen. 2016 will go down as my breakthrough year.

The blogs I have written on my journey, each summarising what is happening in my life; how could I rehash this? Depression, anxiety, love lost, self-sabotage, the death of a sister and isolation from friends and family. Finishing my manuscript, meeting fellow writers, book launches, learning, Writers Activation, Gold Coast Novel Writers, Ocean Reeve, being published, my mother and all the people who have been there for me.

Juggling being a full-time author and full-time carer has been hard. There have been times that I failed at both of them over the year. Sometimes it is, me coping with my mother’s extreme pain or discomfort or the self-sabotage of my writing. Staying positive on every front can be tiring, you have many goals to accomplish and it feels like a massive wall that you can never overcome. Sometimes it is easier to break through the wall than to climb it. Like my friend and mentor, Ocean Reeve says ‘It’s time to think outside the box.’ That is what this year was about, not living in that box but breaking through to my future.

When I started this journey, I never thought I would be here. Everything I have begun, I have failed or given up. We have so many reasons to give up, and it takes strength to say No! I want this! I can do this! I am a f’ing author!

The writers I have met have been a great influence on me, Joan, Russell, Claire, Angela, Colleen, Ricky, Helen, Richard, Livia, Karen, Jennifer and many more who have touch my creativity. Each has imparted some wisdom on my writing path. One of the first advice I received was ‘Do you write? Then you are a writer.’ This statement is so true and has motivated me into supporting and encouraging other authors, writers, artists, musicians and poets to becoming what they want to be.

As I am writing this, on the television there is a morning show talking about depression. My mother and I both suffer from depression. As we discuss this, it is hard to describe what it is like, but one thing the people of tv, my mother and myself can say; sometimes you just don’t want to get out of bed. For everyone who suffers from this horrible condition, just take each day and work through that day. Find help, find support. Create small, achievable weekly goals for yourself, and you can make it.

2017 will be a year of reckoning for me, I will have a book published, I will be doing book tours at Supanova and Oz comic con. I will meet new people, in and out of the fantasy genre. Even saying this, the fight will continue, that wall will be broken down, the sky is the limit, and I am an author!

My Book: The Next Stage.

Finishing your book is only the first step, I knew this but wow. Starting a mentorship with my publishing company Inhouse has opened my eyes up to the possibilities that are out there. From your pitch to marketing your book.

So I have started… It has been interesting, going to events, book launches, meeting with fellow authors and it has been a roller coaster ride.

Only the beginning, as there are so many things ahead of me. I am truly happy with my path!

Samuel Colbran -Author

Inhouse Publishing


My Book: The Wait!

A couple of weeks ago, I finished my first manuscript, Lake Merrin. Promising myself that I will wait one month before editing it; so fresh eyes. I didn’t know how hard it was until last night, and this is why I am writing to distract myself from going back on my plans.

Over the last two weeks, the things I have done many things to distract myself. Watch series after series on Netflix, reading, going to the movies, friending a lot of people, spending time with friends, commenting on posts and doing anything that is not related to my book.

One of those things was starting planning for my second Bloody Coin, and realising that planning it will not be like my first book. Being one-third in before I even thought of doing any planning, that will not be the same with the second. I have the overall plot, but I had to ask; how does it open? It was a lot simpler with Lake Merrin; it was only my protagonist. Now there are returning characters from the first book, and some new ones. How am I going to fit all these characters? I know my second will be bigger than my first, damn I have fallen into the fantasy trap. Book steadily increase in size.

But my second main plot line involves a criminal group that are all females. Now I have a good reason for it, but I look at it and think am I being sexist? I know I am not, as the reasons for them being who they are is a long journey and will be relieved in the book (I hope). And what cause them to become the ‘bad guys’ girls as it didn’t happen overnight. Then I started to think of a second villainous plot line, with will only effect one main character but will impact the rest. Is it too much having too many subplots? I’m not sure, if it fits and doesn’t distract from the main plot line, then no/maybe. Being vague here so I don’t drop too many hints on my second book, even if I want to. Just too excited!

I look over such a beautiful day and think why am I not editing my book? Breath in and out, in and out. It will happen, I just have to wait



The Authors that have Inspired me: Part Four.

It has been a while since I have written about my top 15ish number one authors, and with my finding of a publisher for my first book ‘Lake Merrin’ I thought it was time to finish this blog.

Last time I was here I went over my twenties and early thirties, I’m not a hundred percent sure when some of these authors came about, but they change my scope a bit over the years. The first one was Brent Weeks author of the Night Angel trilogy, now they say you can’t tell a book by its cover. The cover was excellent and the! Cannot recommend this to the faint of heart as there are some disturbing scenes in this book but wow it was great! It has some similarities with my own book, but I don’t know if I would go that far as Brett. The world was rich and full, the characters were complex and relatable, most of all human with all the pros and cons being such. Allowing this level of realism within a rich fantasy world, made me realise another way writing up characters. I do love these books.

The next two authors, work as writers for a particular tabletop gaming company; Games Workshop. There are William King and Dan Abnett. Each has a huge following and series. I couldn’t for the life of me tell you the combined worlds that these two have helped to improve on. King, wrote about a duo, human and dwarf, about finding the dwarf’s death; Gotrek and Felix. These books are set in Warhammer fantasy, which seeped in lore and history and, these two are famous anti-heroes of this world. I love these book, I have everyone except for the last one. Such great popcorn books, which again is what I want my books to be, just some fun reading.

Now Abnett, as he was mainly in the other reality Warhammer 40k, this was set in the distance future where humanity has taken to the stars and found war! Endless war! His main series is about a regiment from the war engine of the Imperium of Man, Gaunt’s Ghosts. The 40k universe sometimes is referred as the Daniverse because of his influence on the overall scope of the story lines of 40k.

I love to read his books on the Ghosts as he shows what it would be like to be a constant state of war. How this will effect, relationships, personalities, moral codes and the weariness of war on the psyche of the main characters. He doesn’t hold back on killing off favourite characters; as I have lost too many to count. This shows a dedicated author to the plot, and I hope I’m not scared off to do something like this in my books.

Giving a shout out to my honourable mentions, this isn’t one or two authors but a device that allowed me to experience whole new worlds. That device is Kindle. I was given a Kindle, and I thought ‘I’m not going to read on this!’ I was wrong. With books ranging from two to eight dollars, it was a why the heck not moment. Having so many books at a touch of a button is marvellous.

A few authors from this fantastic device, Matt Archer by Kendra C, Highley, Blackjack by Ben Bequer, The Hellequin Chronicles by Steve McHugh, Mageborn by Michael G. Manning, The Lives of Tao by Wesley Chu and Wearing the Cape by Marion G. Harmon. Each of these authors created such a great series, and I have read them many times. Most are self-published, and it showed me that just because you are not traditional published doesn’t mean that you are creating a bad book.

I would like someone to by my e-book and think ‘Wow, I have a story inside and I could write my first novel!’

My Book: Finished!

As you can tell by the title, I have finished my book. Is it complete; no but it is finished. Looking back over the last year and even the last ten, it surprises me on the emotions I felt to accomplish finishing my book.

First book.jpg

To tell the truth, I have never in my life finished any project; except books and games but do they count. Never finished year 12, tried three times, even was begged by a teacher to stay, the second time around because I had a fantastic mathematical brain. Yes, I am good at maths, and I did go to university to study mathematics. Again, I didn’t complete it. I tried my hand at another career after high school, as academia doesn’t seem to be my path. Starting training as a chef, when through an intensive six-month course (which I didn’t complete) and began working as an apprentice chef. Then was fired three times in a row; so I quit. I did finally find a job in hospitality, and I work in it for seventeen years, but I was no chef; just a trumped up the cook.

If you have been following my blog, I usually start off with something negative and spin it to positive. Not one of those blogs, as I don’t see completing these things as a fail, I lived; I lost; I laughed; I cried; I never want to take any of these experiences away.

Over a year ago, I quit my current job (as the boss was a dick) and I didn’t know what to do. I was a full-time carer for my mother, and I knew that it would get more intensive as time goes on. But what would I do? I have told this story a few time, but I like to tell you what I overcome to complete this mammoth task.

Kicked out, where I was living. My girlfriend broke up with me. I suffered deep depression. My mother as admitted to hospital. I had a best seller author tell me that my idea for a book was unpublishable. More depression. Close family member was telling me to give up as I was shit! Financial problems. More financial problems. Girlfriend broke up with me again ( the same one, I got back with her). Health issues. My friend’s depression and trying to help him. And finally my sister dying. Each one of these could have been an ‘it’s all over, Jane’ moment but it wasn’t as I completed my book!

How did I do it? Well a solid foundation of people that believed in me. My mother, Karen; my sister, my cherished friends, Writers Activation and Gold Coast Novel Writers and everyone I meet there. And finally my publisher, Ocean Reeve at Inhouse Publishing.

Each time I had a down, I had people there to help me again. In the end, it was me who did it. I completed my book, all the support in the world will not realise your dreams; you have to grab them and finish what you started. Believe in yourself, and as you can accomplish anything.

Writers Activation:

Gold Coast Novel:

Inhouse Publishing: