Premise and concept of my YA Story.

I have a quote “Remember once you have your dream, write it down!”, This story is where that quote comes from. One day before I went into Writers Activation’s writing drop-in centre, I had a dream, and that dream is going to become a series!

So the thought, most people know that I love fantasy but way before I started reading fantasy, I was reading non-fiction books like about dinosaurs and Greek History, mainly their mythology. I did branch to Norse Mythology as well. Since then I have had a fascination with this subject. In this dream, there were six youngsters, all with powers from the great archetypes of those legends. They still looked the same, but they gain the attributes of said ‘hero’.

When I arrive at the centre, I thought to myself, how did they gain this ability? What is the conflict? If they are hero archetype what are they? And who is the big bad? What drives this story? So on, you the usually questions you ask when you are writing a story. I stop and thought, at the time I was working on Lake Merrin and didn’t want another project, but I had a gut feeling that this was a good story with a compelling character as long as I took the time to fill them out.

So the basic premise of this ‘Story’ (I haven’t even thought of a title yet, so slack!). Six youths empowered with hero-like qualities, which are syphoned from the mirror reality of Mythology. How they gain the powers, was due to an experiment of the Big Bad Company who wish to tap into this infinite source of power and use it for ‘villainous’ deeds (Add evil laugh, mmmmmmwwwwahahhahhahahahaha)

So that is the basic premise, simple isn’t it? So now, let us move it from one dimensional to two. So this proposition says that in the past they gain powers somehow from an evil experiment. Now I ask myself at what age did they learn these skills and how old are they now?  Well I thought, they had to be young before puberty, so between 8 and 12 years old. The now is at least five years putting them at the end of High School. That fleshing it out a little bit more, so I say 1.25 dimensions.

Well, the ‘Big Bad’ is not evil, but greedy. They care about one thing, profit. During the time period, I have selected twenty-five wars was happening around the world. So this BB (short for you named it Big Bad), thought of a solution to profit in these wars. Making bigger guns, larger explosions, etc. is so old school. A scientist came across a pin prick hole into another dimension, was magic and myth come to life. But as always there is a catch, they are incorporeal. They can bond to a physical host if they are worthy but that is hard. So They found a way… Which leads us to the beginning of the story.

I think I have moved this to now, 2D. How can I make it a full three-dimensional story arc? Hmm. When was it set and where? Who are these children? A Little background on them? I think I could do that.

Well, I set it in the early 00’s when I was a teenager (dang I’m old) in Brisbane. Decent size city (for Australia), a range of cultures in the area I am thinking of. So the heroes, six in all, one Chinese-Australian, English Descent, Twins of Maltese Descent, Tongan and a Sudan Refugee. Each has the spark to attract a mythic archetype.

 Now I have fleshed out a bit more information, I think it is time for the first story. This is when the band become friends on the first day of school. Tune in next time for an unknown title of this series. Need to think of a name!